Estimated distance:
280 KM,
Estimated Time:
5.3 Hrs
Today's Fare
3699 3499(*Price excluding GST)
Estimated distance:
280 KM,
Estimated Time:
5.3 Hrs
Today's Fare
7199 6999(*Price excluding GST)
Book Online Cab from Gurgaon to Dehradun on Lowest Fare. Hire taxi for onside from Gurgaon to Dehradun. Taxi services available for all cab types SUV(Innova, Xylo, Tavera) and Sedan(Dzire, Etios).
Book cab for Delhi to Jolly Grant in simplest way by Delhi One Way Cab
Lowest one way cab fare from Delhi to Jolly Grant is 3499 Book Now
Vehicle Type | Model | Fare | Estimated distance and Time |
Sedan | Indica, Dzire, Etios or similar* | 3499 | loading... |
SUV | Innova, Xylo or similar* | 6999 | loading... |
The maximum distance that covered between Delhi to Jolly Grant is 260 kms with estimated time of 5 hrs 55 minutes to arrive your destination. The fastest and best route to arrive your destination from Delhi to Jolly Grant is Ghaziabad, Meerut, Khatauli, Muzaffarnagar, Roorkee, Haridwar and Dehradun Airport which also called as Jolly Grant which travelling you will passes through NH 9, NH 34, NH 58, NH 334 etc.. While travelling on the way you will find dhabas, restaurants and hotels too, which offers multicuisine, snacks, tea, meals etc. to refresh yourself from Journey. In Jolly Grant you will find so many tourists places to visit and Jolly grant is also one of the famous tourists place in that. You can visit Haridwar, Rishikesh, Ganga aarti, many religious temple and Dehradun places which is very near to Jolly Grant.
There are so many places to visit in Jolly Grant and its surrounded areas like
Jolly Grant airport
Clock Tower
Buddha temple
Forest research institute
Kempty walls
If you love adventures so you can enjoy trekking too by visit hill station in Dehradun which is also a one of the most famous tourist place to visit which you will find on your way too. You can take a taxi from Delhi to Jolly Grant to arrive your destination, or railway station or Airport. You can check the estimated taxi fare and minimum cab cost to your trip. If you want one way cab from Delhi to Rishikesh we are always happy to serve you.
Thank you for choosing us.
Total Distance: